
About the company

  Establishment of the company KILIMETALL, s.r.o. as a business entity primarily focused on trading with metal scrap is the result of expansion of business activities of its partners in the above mentioned area.

  The beginning of trading with metals, in case of its statutory bodies, dates back to 1993. Thus, its statutory bodies are among the first entities engaged in trading with row materials in the city of Považská Bystrica. Since 2007, all the business activities take place in new larger premises in the „light industrial zone“ in the city of Považká Bystrica.

  The company KILIMETALL, s.r.o. has an interest not only to build on previous achievements in trading with metal scrap, but also develop its business activities with new potential business partners.

Kilimetall s.r.o.

Kilimetall s.r.o.

Kilimetall s.r.o.

Kilimetall s.r.o.